Puffy Kisses - Finger-sized Puffers/4 pcs
Puffy Kisses – Finger-sized Puffers
4 Puffers
Latest gen makeup blending and application puff good for Sunfluff, Earthly Landscape Concealer and Face Dab to achieve the perfect finish! Having tested dozens of these mini puffers, WULT team is delighted to introduce our Puffy Kisses engineered with the best balance of bounce and hold, lovingly delivering a perfect and sheer setting of our vegan cosmetics onto every curve and crease of your skin for a flawless finish!
Slip finger into pocket and softly dab product onto Puffy Kisses. Gently apply onto desired areas of skin until makeup is perfectly set. Hand wash your Puffy Kisses on a regular basis, as each Puffy Kisses is recommended to be used for 3-4 times or within a week.
輕柔之吻 – 指尖粉撲
全新的指尖粉撲,適用於WULT的物理防曬霜、天然礦物遮瑕膏和液態胭脂,小巧身形以塑造完美的妝效!經過測試數十個同類型的小粉撲,我們 WULT 很高興向大家介紹我們的輕柔之吻 -- 指尖粉撲,經過精心設計,具有最佳的彈性,且色帶牢固,悉心地將WULT的純素化妝品均勻又輕薄地塗抹在面部輪廓曲線上,打造無死角的完美妝容!