04A 100% Hyaluronic Acid 40ml
Bamboo Extract + Nano-HA
A pure and clean formula with virtually no additives to offer maximum functionality of ingredients to the skin. An exceptionally high concentration of the skin’s most hydrophilic and naturally available humectant, this pure hydro-boosting serum nurtures skin by way of deep hydration, fortification, and calming of sensitivity. Combined with Bamboo Extract – an ingredient rich in silica deposits that function as the “glue” to bond skin proteins together, this serum bolsters up skin immunity and resilience against sensitising agents.
Featured Ingredients:
Bamboo Extract, Nano-Hyaluronic Acid, Mixed Molecular Weight Sodium Hyaluronate.
Bamboo Extract, Nano-Hyaluronic Acid, Mixed Molecular Weight Sodium Hyaluronate, Ethylhexylglycerin, DI Water.
Use as directed by a professional. For general use: apply 5 drops onto skin by patting in an upward motion, until fully absorbed. Reapply as needed until desired suppleness is reached. For blending: blend according to directions by a professional. Blend with Perfection and Expert series to dilute product, or with Moisturizing series to custom create a fresh and light product rheology.
* For International shipping , WULT is not responsible for any import duty and/or tax and customs Clearance Service Charges Payment

Hello WULT! Le Serum Premium我仲未用,但係我想稱讚一下hydronic acid同hydra smooth essence! 我早排亂試其他護膚品中伏(絕對唔建議),皮膚突然之間起濕疹,由於之前從來未試過敏感,屋企冇其他抗敏產品,喺好痕同泛紅嘅情況下用咗呢兩樣,用完之後即刻有降紅嘅跡象同埋無咁痕!同埋我最鍾意上面完全唔厚重,輕薄得嚟保濕度又好夠,會回購✨
感覺非常良好呀👍🏻 係我用過質地最薄又保濕嘅精華💓