The Skin Cooler 冰感亮肌按摩器
收細毛孔 改善浮腫
輕巧的冰感亮肌按摩棒,配合 Skin Need 面膜系列,只需於肌膚上輕輕按摩滑動,便可即時塑造亮白、緊緻及細嫩肌膚。利用低溫來減輕浮腫,鎮定肌膚,並舒緩發炎;同時有助於緊緻提升,幫助毛孔收縮,減少擴大,肌膚看起來更精緻幼嫩。晚上使用,可幫助舒緩勞累的肌膚,早上使用,可以令妝容更貼服,消除面部浮腫,提升輪廓。
- 改善浮腫,提升輪廓
- 鎮定肌膚,舒緩發炎
- 收細毛孔,肌膚更細膩
- 鎮定肌膚,舒緩發炎
- 收細毛孔,肌膚更細膩
建議配合大米精華面膜使用,以進一步提升面膜功效。 面膜移除後,以冰感亮肌按摩棒從下巴慢慢向上輕推按摩,以幫助促進精華成分吸收及發揮功效,膚色更明亮光澤,同時能提升肌膚的緊緻度,有助於提升輪廓線條。
可因應需要,先置於零下18度至3度冷凍半小時,確認溫度合適後,於面上輕輕按摩2-3分鐘,改善浮腫,幫助毛孔收縮。 早晚使用,可幫助後續護膚品吸收。
可因應需要,先置於零下18度至3度冷凍半小時,確認溫度合適後,於面上輕輕按摩2-3分鐘,改善浮腫,幫助毛孔收縮。 早晚使用,可幫助後續護膚品吸收。
可配合Skin Need 眼霜或眼膜;改善眼周浮腫、消除眼袋,喚醒疲倦雙眼。
配合 Skin Need Intense Nano Lift+ Peptides 於額頭、法令紋兩側、唇周等容易有表情紋浮現的部位,輕輕推壓,讓精華油充分吸收,補充肌膚養分,增加彈性,達至淡紋效果。
配合 Skin Need 水溶性精華,將不同分子量的透明質酸滲入肌膚底層,令皮膚飽滿亮澤。
可配合Skin Need 眼霜或眼膜;改善眼周浮腫、消除眼袋,喚醒疲倦雙眼。
配合 Skin Need Intense Nano Lift+ Peptides 於額頭、法令紋兩側、唇周等容易有表情紋浮現的部位,輕輕推壓,讓精華油充分吸收,補充肌膚養分,增加彈性,達至淡紋效果。
配合 Skin Need 水溶性精華,將不同分子量的透明質酸滲入肌膚底層,令皮膚飽滿亮澤。
對抗腫脹和浮腫:Ice Roller 的冰涼效果有助於縮小血管,減少血液循環,從而減輕面部腫脹和浮腫。 縮小毛孔:Ice Roller 的冷卻效應可以緊縮皮膚,有助於收縮毛孔,同時減少油脂分泌。
搭配Mask:在使用 Ice Roller 時候,搭配敷臉面膜可以加強滋潤和鎖水效果,有助於產品吸收,同時冰涼感可提高面膜的舒適感。 使用Serum:在 Ice Roller 滾動的同時,配合使用有保濕、抗氧化或收斂效果的精華液,可以提升護膚效果。 結合按摩工具/手法:與按摩工具/手法搭配使用,可以進一步促進血液循環,松弛面部肌肉,提升整體護膚效果。
切勿在受傷的皮膚組織上使用。 儲存在陰涼處。 切勿加熱冰感亮肌按摩器。 切勿將冰感亮肌按摩器儲藏於冷凍格,使用完後請放入冰箱冷藏。 如出現疼痛、過度泛紅、腫脹或任何不良反應,請立即停止使用。 如果您有特定的皮膚問題、過敏反應或醫療問題,請在使用冰感亮肌按摩器之前咨詢專業人士的意見。
Calm, Firm, Refine
The Skin Cooler is a portable, simple, yet effective tool to instantly reduce skin temperature thereby minimizing redness, swelling, and discomfort, as well as immediately firm and lift the skin, and minimize the visibility of pores for a smoother and finer complexion.
By gently gliding it over the skin treated with Skin Need mask series, a surge of calming coolness is transferred to the skin to alleviate symptoms of sensitivity, while producing instant whitening effect.
- Reduce bloating, enhance facial contours
- Cools and calms easily irritated skin
- Refine pores, achieve a smoother complexion
對抗腫脹和浮腫:Ice Roller 的冰涼效果有助於縮小血管,減少血液循環,從而減輕面部腫脹和浮腫。 縮小毛孔:Ice Roller 的冷卻效應可以緊縮皮膚,有助於收縮毛孔,同時減少油脂分泌。
搭配Mask:在使用 Ice Roller 時候,搭配敷臉面膜可以加強滋潤和鎖水效果,有助於產品吸收,同時冰涼感可提高面膜的舒適感。 使用Serum:在 Ice Roller 滾動的同時,配合使用有保濕、抗氧化或收斂效果的精華液,可以提升護膚效果。 結合按摩工具/手法:與按摩工具/手法搭配使用,可以進一步促進血液循環,松弛面部肌肉,提升整體護膚效果。
切勿在受傷的皮膚組織上使用。 儲存在陰涼處。 切勿加熱冰感亮肌按摩器。 切勿將冰感亮肌按摩器儲藏於冷凍格,使用完後請放入冰箱冷藏。 如出現疼痛、過度泛紅、腫脹或任何不良反應,請立即停止使用。 如果您有特定的皮膚問題、過敏反應或醫療問題,請在使用冰感亮肌按摩器之前咨詢專業人士的意見。
Calm, Firm, Refine
The Skin Cooler is a portable, simple, yet effective tool to instantly reduce skin temperature thereby minimizing redness, swelling, and discomfort, as well as immediately firm and lift the skin, and minimize the visibility of pores for a smoother and finer complexion.
By gently gliding it over the skin treated with Skin Need mask series, a surge of calming coolness is transferred to the skin to alleviate symptoms of sensitivity, while producing instant whitening effect.
- Reduce bloating, enhance facial contours
- Cools and calms easily irritated skin
- Refine pores, achieve a smoother complexion
It is recommended to use the Rice Essence Facial Mask Series in conjunction with The Skin Cooler to further enhance the effectiveness of the mask. After removing the mask, gently glide it from the chin upwards, resulting in a brighter and more radiant complexion, while also improving skin firmness and enhancing facial contours.
As needed, store in the Skin Need Skin Cooler bag and place it at a temperature ranging from -18℃ to 3℃ for half an hour. After ensuring the temperature is suitable, gently massage it on the face for 2-3 minutes.
To lift skin around the eyes Use with Skin Need eye cream or eye mask series to improve bloatedness and induce firmness of the skin For expression lines Use with Skin Need Intense Nano Lift+ Peptides on areas with expression lines and fine lines, and apply The Skin Cooler to treat desired areas for a skin firming and smoothing effect. Provide skin hydration Use with Skin Need water-based serum to increase suppleness of the skin. Apply a few drops of Hyaluronic Acid based serums and glide The Skin Cooler to areas desired to be treated.
Do not use on wounded skin tissue. Store in a cool place. Do not heat the The Skin Cooler. Put The Skin Cooler in refrigeration when not in use, instead of freezing. Discontinue use if you experience pain, excessive redness, swelling, or any adverse reactions. Consult a healthcare professional if you have specific skin conditions, allergies, or medical concerns before using The Skin Cooler.
After each use, wipe and disinfect The Skin Cooler with alcohol swab pads. Dry The Skin Cooler off and wait until it is completely dry before storing it back in the refrigerator. Avoid storing The Skin Cooler in a humid or damp environment to prevent bacterial growth.
Do not use on wounded skin tissue. Store in a cool place. Do not heat the The Skin Cooler. Put The Skin Cooler in refrigeration when not in use, instead of freezing. Discontinue use if you experience pain, excessive redness, swelling, or any adverse reactions. Consult a healthcare professional if you have specific skin conditions, allergies, or medical concerns before using The Skin Cooler.
After each use, wipe and disinfect The Skin Cooler with alcohol swab pads. Dry The Skin Cooler off and wait until it is completely dry before storing it back in the refrigerator. Avoid storing The Skin Cooler in a humid or damp environment to prevent bacterial growth.