Good Morning Cleansing Milk

Good Morning Cleansing Milk

HK$328.00 Sale Save

Good Morning Cleansing Milk 喚肌潔面乳
[建議售價$328 200ml]



如果日間和晚上的環境差異會影響我們的肌膚處於不同狀態,那早晚豈不是不應使用相同的潔面產品? 你猜對了!因此我們決定推出適合日間使用的Good Morning喚肌潔面乳!晚間的清潔產品應該要能有效去除一整天積累下來的污垢和雜質,而能喚醒肌膚的日間清潔產品則需能溫和保護肌膚且不會剝奪它的天然油脂。所以這款含有助舒緩皮膚的月見草油微米泡沫的Good Morning喚肌潔面乳,能溫和淨化肌膚同時保持肌膚水潤。它可作為溫和的雙重潔面法則,適合敏感、脫水和乾性肌膚在早晚間使用或任何皮膚在日間清洗晚上殘留多餘的油脂,温和清潔同時保留皮膚屏障,使後續的護膚產品更有效地被皮膚吸收。在使用其他潔面產品前可先使用Good Morning喚肌潔面乳清潔皮膚,緊接再進行二次清潔,以卸除CC霜、BB霜、防曬霜及其他妝前護理產品。





純素護膚game up!

這款潔面乳採用反向微膠體脂質納米乳化技術,是一種無界面活性劑的清潔方案,能夠提供超級溫和而均衡的潔淨效果。它包含植物油成分,能夠維護肌膚屏障的完整性。這款Good Morning喚肌潔面乳非常適合容易受刺激的肌膚,不論是早晨清潔還是晚間的二次潔膚都能達致溫和呵護。






僅供外用,避免接觸眼睛。請放置於兒童不易觸及的地方。存放於陰涼乾燥處。使用前,建議先取少量產品在手上或臉部小範圍進行敏感測試,如出現敏感情況,請即停止使用,用水徹底清洗並諮詢醫生及聯絡Woke Up Like This

容量:200ml / 6.67 fl.oz


Good Morning Cleansing Milk
[suggested price is $328, 200mle]

Milk-to-microfoam Gentle Cleanser 

with Evening Primrose Oil 

Especially for Sensitive Skin 


Should you be using the same cleansing product from night to day? The answer is no, and hence our need to introduce the Good Morning Cleansing Milk! While your nightly cleanser should be effective in removing grime and dirt from the toiling day, the cleanser your skin wakes up to should be so gentle as to only remove impurities gathered through the night without stripping the skin of its natural oils. Infused with the soothing Evening Primrose Oil that tenderly purifies the skin, this micellar micro-foaming milk preserves skin moisture as it cleanses and serves as a gentle double-cleansing formula to be used in the evening for sensitive, dehydrated, and dry prone skin to remove CC cream, BB cream, sunscreen, and other makeup priming products. 


Active Ingredients:

Cold Pressed Evening Primrose Oil, Caprylyl Glycol Triglycerides, Meadowfoam Seed Oil, Aloe Vera Leaf Juice, Propanediol, Shea Butter, Acacia Gum. 


Other Ingredients: 

DI Water, Glycerin, Ethylhexylglycerin, Rose Essential Oil, Sweet Fennel Essential Oil. 


How it strengthens your skincare game

Using a reverse micellar lipid nano-emulsion, the formula is a surfactant-free alternative to conventional cleansers providing ultra gentle and balanced cleansing. Powered by plant-based oils that preserve the skin’s barrier integrity, the Good Morning Cleansing Milk is ideal for use by easily irritated skin for cleansing in the morning and double cleansing in the evening. 


Free of:

SLS, SLES, Sodium Hydroxide, Propylene Glycol, Mineral Oil, Silicone Derivatives, Palm Derivatives. 



Dampen skin and hands. Dispense 2 pumps onto palms and gently massage onto skin in an upward circular motion. Add tepid water onto palms to rinse and melt away cleanser as well as impurities, leaving the skin soft, balanced, cleansed and refreshed. 



For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool and dry place. In the unlikely event of skin sensitivity, discontinue use immediately and rinse off completely with water and consult a physician. 


200mle / 6.67 fl. oz. 

Made in CA U.S.A.


Clean & vegan
Please recycle
Suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding