BETTER TOGETHER Dark Denim East West Bag
BETTER TOGETHER Dark Denim East West Bag每天也隨性・復古丹寧單肩包
2024大熱時尚單品非「East West Bag」莫屬,橫向發展令纖細的長方形結構成為設計的重點,更優雅更精緻!WULT MADE系列緊貼潮流趨勢,首次推出長方形結構袋,特選深色牛仔丹寧布料,於優雅中加添幾分隨性慵懶,更切合Gal Pals愛美但不受約束的個性。袋身印有WULT MADE 標誌性字樣BETTER TOGETHER,配以撞色明線設計,呈現出復古個性氛圍。再配上最近潮流大熱的Bag Charms,以淺色牛仔丹寧製成,輕巧精緻可以放置小物如護唇膚等,無論掛在那一個手袋都可展現你的個人魅力!
The must-have fashion item of 2024 is undoubtedly the "East West Bag". The horizontal development makes the slender rectangular structure the focus of the design, resulting in a more elegant and refined look. The WULT MADE series keeps up with the latest trends, and introduces a rectangular structured bag for the first time. It is made of a specially selected dark denim fabric, which adds a touch of casual elegance, perfectly suited for the "Gal Pals" who love beauty but don't want to be constrained. The bag features the WULT MADE signature text "BETTER TOGETHER" printed on the body, complemented by a yellow contrast stitching design, exuding a vintage, distinctive vibe. To complete the look, you can accessorize it with the recent trendy "Bag Charms" made of light denim fabric. With a lightweight and compact size, you can store small items like lip balm. No matter which handbag you attach it to, it will showcase your individual charm!
Laundry Tips
-Arrange dark and light colored clothes separately
Clothes of different colors should be washed separately. Denim dye may transfer onto other clothing.
-It is recommended to hand wash with cold water
Turn the bag inside out and wash it. The water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees to reduce fading.
-Suitable to air dry naturally
Avoid putting it in the drying machinery, which may cause deformation and shrinkage, and avoid long-term exposure to the sun, which may cause fading. It is better to air dry naturally.